Are you tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what you see?Are you tired of too much weight, too little energy, and too many aches and pains?Are you tired of yet another weight loss program that gives too many promises and too little substance, once again proving that diets just don’t work?Are you long on frustration and short on hope?Are you ready to transform you, your body, your health and your life–forever?You, too, can transform your body to one which you are proud of. You too can lose that extra weight, recharge your energy battery, move better, and feel better than you have in years.You, too, can regain hope and feel good about yourself and your life–for the rest of your life.How do I know that? Because I am traveling on this very same journey with you. I was raised with the same foods that you were raised with. I love many of the same foods that you love. I have just learned along the way to retrain my thinking, my taste buds, and my priorities, and I pick and choose carefully what I put into my body.I constantly ask myself this question: Does this food serve me with health and life-giving nutrition or does this food compromise my health and, ultimately, my life–the quality and the length of it?Try asking yourself this question the next time you eat something: “Does this food nourish me or does it deplete me?”If you are confused and just don’t know, then take the time to read the books and listen to the tapes that will help you discover which foods provide the best nutrition for maximum, lifelong health and fitness.The bottom line for me is: I choose health and fitness. I choose life, not premature disability, disease, and early death.What do you choose for yourself? Premature disability, disease, and early death, or a long life filled with mobility, activity, energy, joy, and purpose?Most of us are very attached to our old ways of eating and living. And we like the foods that we eat.But I assure you, because I myself have experienced it, that if you follow the basic principles for the best nutrition for human health, you will gifted with great rewards far beyond what you can even imagine. Not only will your body transform closer to your ideal weight, fitness, and health, you will gain better mental clarity and emotional stability. You will be better connected in to who you are as a person and why you are on this planet.Eating the most life-supporting foods, fresh whole fruits and vegetables, is not just about the food; eating correctly opens our awareness and catalyzes the uncovering and the discovering of our inner cores and how we can impact the world around us.Although some may never suspect, there is amazing power in all that fruit and green-leafy vegetable salad that you choose to eat and the power is there for the taking.All you need to do is wash, open your mouth, bite down, and chew.
What’s Your Working Journey in 2011?
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and found fascinating the current TV series ‘Britain at Work’ hosted by Kirsty Young.It has raised a huge amount of questions prompting many conversations with my Mum looking back over the years studying people’s attitude towards work over different generations.One question raised this week with my Mum was why I couldn’t remember very much the 80′s miner’s strikes and the terrible times families suffered in the hands of industries being wiped out causing extreme unemployment with over 3 million out of the work. During this period when I was growing up as a teenager I remember well the scenario of Dad intensely watching the evening news when you dare not say a word or else you would be glared at and told to be quiet (which I wonder now how often this typical picture plays out in family homes). It occurred to me that because my parents were self employed and ran their own business what was happening around me, didn’t directly affect me as none of our family members worked down the mines either.My parents were lucky to be in a position where financial independence was possible, certainly didn’t earn pots of money but they didn’t have to rely on an employer to provide the work and wage packet. Yes I do remember things being tough with not a lot of money floating around but we certainly didn’t go without.This made me realise and ask the question about attitude to life and work and what impression parents and family make on you as you grow up. Definitely having a family that ran their own business made a mark on me, helped create my outlook and influences on life – having to stand on your own two feet and not solely rely on other people. My parents were very much about being an individual and not being a ‘sheep’, following the crowd. They knew life was going to get even tougher and having a certain amount of independence and self reliability was very important.Over the last few months I’ve had an increased amount of people contact me interested in finding out how to become a home working virtual assistant – which has been fantastic. As always I paint a realistic picture of what it’s like to start up your own new venture, all the excitement and buzz, opportunities of being your own boss and setting up your own virtual assistance business. What I always point out is the two sides of being self employed and what the real crux of running a business involves. You can be the greatest provider of your service in the world but if you can’t sell it then you’re going to have a hard time. When you say to someone that business falls into the 80/20 rule – 80% is running the business getting clients on board and 20% is doing the actual work, for some the idea of going self employed suddenly loses its appeal. Going self employed doesn’t automatically suite everyone!Going back to the TV series ‘Britain at Work’ – a large percentage of people are brought up with the ideals of getting a job with the strong reliance of large companies and authorities to provide the work and the wage packet every month. A large percentage of people will be looking for something different, wanting to be their own boss, choosing not to be reliant on a company to provide the work but want to be financially independent and generate their own work.But what is guaranteed these days – very little. So are we at a tipping point in society where people are being forced into rethinking their working life journey?After watching the tragic aftermath of the peaceful demonstrations in Hyde Park this weekend followed by the violent disruption at Trafalgar Square with the small percentage of people intent on causing violent chaos – are we walking into a worrying period of repeated demonstrations with the rise of unemployment on the up.Will we start to see a huge rise in more people taking up the self employment route – is it a survival strategy out of this mess?Having the confidence to go it alone when you’ve always been in work where the responsibility of finding the clients/customers/sales has been the manager/owner/executive’s role is like tipping a working role scenario on its head. All of a sudden it’s your responsibility to find the clients that want the services/products that you’re selling – you’re forced into the driving seat of being the sales person – it can be an overwhelming place to be. All of a sudden you’ve got to wear the hats of about 10 different roles usually held by different people made up in a company. Having the ability, energy, enthusiasm, drive and sometimes the courage to try something new doesn’t automatically exist in everyone.So who is going to provide the jobs for all these people who don’t fancy self employment?Is it up to you, individually to create your own work, take a look at what skills you already have and think hard about what you could provide as a service or a product to sell?What is the survival strategy – does anyone have the answer that’s likely to fit all the differing scenarios to look after all those millions of people out of work.Whose responsibility is it?
Special Education Teachers – Creating a Good Lesson Plan For Your Students
Among the thousands of teachers in America, one particular group in this profession deserves to be recognized more than the others – they are the special education teachers. They are a group of specialized teachers who work with students of special needs that not every teacher is able to teach. If you are one of these teachers this article is to help you create a lesson plan for your students.If you are a special education teacher you are probably having trouble creating a lesson plan for your students. A special education lesson plan is an educational technique or teaching method that is made specifically for students of any age group that have some disabilities.Now, the lesson plans do vary depending on the student’s disability, its extremeness and the student’s age. The main goal of the lesson plans are to prepare the students to function on their own, to master certain minimum skills to help them, and to help them build and support social competencies. All of these things are important but the number one importance of a special education lesson plan is to help the student and their family to lead normal and problem free lives.Some of the topics a special education lesson plan covers are math, language, arts, science, music, computer and internet lessons, P.E., social studies, health, etc. The plans cover pretty much every subject that those in a regular class are learning but the material is changed to suit the students.The best subject for those with a disability is music, dance, and any other art form. These subjects help students with disabilities to relate to the lessons which directly enhance their learning process. Also, reading, writing and any public speaking should be encouraged by the special education teacher as it will help the students in the long run.As long as you have a well thought out lesson plan you will be able to enhance the student’s feelings and responses, the student’s reasoning ability and reading skills, create a sense of fulfillment in the student, promote the student to communicate, help the student to achieve motor control and physical wellness, etc. Hence, it is most important for any special education teacher to thoroughly plan out a well thought lesson plan as this will enable and enhance the learning process of these special students.If you have no idea on how to create a good lesson plan, you can get some references and information on the internet, in books, and in articles. Do not just take the lesson plan and use it but modify it to suit the individual student.Being a special education teacher is one of the hardest things you could do but is also one of the most fulfilling. With a good special education lesson plan you are able to accomplish so much in making the student’s life the best it can be.