Health and Fitness-Your Choice

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what you see?Are you tired of too much weight, too little energy, and too many aches and pains?Are you tired of yet another weight loss program that gives too many promises and too little substance, once again proving that diets just don’t work?Are you long on frustration and short on hope?Are you ready to transform you, your body, your health and your life–forever?You, too, can transform your body to one which you are proud of. You too can lose that extra weight, recharge your energy battery, move better, and feel better than you have in years.You, too, can regain hope and feel good about yourself and your life–for the rest of your life.How do I know that? Because I am traveling on this very same journey with you. I was raised with the same foods that you were raised with. I love many of the same foods that you love. I have just learned along the way to retrain my thinking, my taste buds, and my priorities, and I pick and choose carefully what I put into my body.I constantly ask myself this question: Does this food serve me with health and life-giving nutrition or does this food compromise my health and, ultimately, my life–the quality and the length of it?Try asking yourself this question the next time you eat something: “Does this food nourish me or does it deplete me?”If you are confused and just don’t know, then take the time to read the books and listen to the tapes that will help you discover which foods provide the best nutrition for maximum, lifelong health and fitness.The bottom line for me is: I choose health and fitness. I choose life, not premature disability, disease, and early death.What do you choose for yourself? Premature disability, disease, and early death, or a long life filled with mobility, activity, energy, joy, and purpose?Most of us are very attached to our old ways of eating and living. And we like the foods that we eat.But I assure you, because I myself have experienced it, that if you follow the basic principles for the best nutrition for human health, you will gifted with great rewards far beyond what you can even imagine. Not only will your body transform closer to your ideal weight, fitness, and health, you will gain better mental clarity and emotional stability. You will be better connected in to who you are as a person and why you are on this planet.Eating the most life-supporting foods, fresh whole fruits and vegetables, is not just about the food; eating correctly opens our awareness and catalyzes the uncovering and the discovering of our inner cores and how we can impact the world around us.Although some may never suspect, there is amazing power in all that fruit and green-leafy vegetable salad that you choose to eat and the power is there for the taking.All you need to do is wash, open your mouth, bite down, and chew.